Natural ways to make your teeth whiter ,home remedies


Cocoa Powder


Mix the cocoa powder with the coconut oil or water. After brush your teeth as usual with this mixture.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda


Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide in ratio of 1:2.Stir until a paste forms. Then brush your teeth with this mixture and wash your mouth with water.

Neem Leaves


Bring the neem leaves and water. Then take a pot and add water and boil. Let it cool and gargle with the resulting solution.

Kaolin clay

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Just apply kaolin clay on your teeth and brush them well with a toothbrush. Then rinse your mouth with clean water.

Ginger and salt

The needed Ingredients are ginger, salt and lemon. First grind a ginger. Take ¼ teaspoon of salt and add it in to the ginger. Cut a slice of lemon ,add to it to the mixture after that mix well again. Then apply it with a toothbrush.

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