Lockdown extended by two more weeks – India’s latest situation


There are 35.365 coronavirus patients in India and the country lost 1,152 lives due to this. Considering the danger of the virus and to slow down its spread, India was under lockdown for the past six weeks. Considering the significant gains from lockdown, India has decided to extend its lockdown further by 02 more weeks from 04th May.

Considering the spread, the number of active cases, and deaths, India categorized the country into 03 main divisions to make it easy for their administration.

Red zone – Areas with high risk

Orange zone – Areas with comparatively low spread and risk

Green zone – Areas with zero cases or no cases recorded for the last 21 days

Authorities confirmed the fact that there will be relaxations for the areas marked under orange and green. It further explained the fact that the most essential services will be only allowed in those relaxed areas. The relevant authorities further confirmed that cities like Mumbai, Chennai, and Bangalore will stay under lockdown until further notice. Some of the main points of the Home Minister’s lockdown extension are as follows;

The government banned the traveling of people from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. unless for essential services and further advised people over 65 years age, children below 10 years and pregnant women to stay at home.

  • The government banned the traveling of people from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. unless for essential services and further advised people over 65 years age, children below 10 years and pregnant women to stay at home.
  • Government further extended the opening of schools, hotels, cinemas, shopping malls, and banned social gatherings for social and religious occasions.
  • Government allowed essential goods transportation with special permissions.
  • Government instructed the private sector to operate with 33% strength.
  • The government allowed the cab services to start operations in orange and green zones with passenger limitations.

Experts bring out the fact that the whole economy in India is suffering a huge loss due to this nationwide lockdown. Sources reveal India was under lockdown for a comparatively longer period than other nations. Even though the central government could slow down the spread of the virus due to this lockdown, many had to suffer to fulfill their household requirements. One of the sources reveals the fact that a jeweler in Jaipur who was doing businesses for more than 25 years had to sell vegetables to fulfill daily requirements. This explains the fact that even the wealthy people had to suffer due to this lengthy lockdown.

So even the giants like India are suffering due to this emergency and the government tries its best to tackle it through various measures.

Will the lengthy shutdown theory work for India?

How long can Indians survive with this lockdown?

These questions remain in the hearts of every Indian and the rest of the world to has one eye on this as every nation is still trying to find the exact combination to combat and overcome this situation.

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